
The Brief 

This staircase was carried out for an existing customer, who has recently been undertaking a large self-build home renovation on their lovely home in Hayling Island, Hampshire. The builder’s temporary staircase had been up for a while whilst renovation works were in progress, but now the renovation is in its finishing stages the customers were keen to get rid of the ugly builder’s staircase and get the staircase they have always dreamed of.

Action taken

As with all staircase projects, we started by getting some accurate on-site measurements allowing me to mark out and design the staircase. As always, this means balancing what the customers want in terms of the finish and look of the staircase, versus what will fit the space and meet building regulations – which is not always an easy task, but more often than not, we make it happen!

Once the staircase was made, we assembled it in our workshops to check everything is going together as it should and also to invite the customers to our workshops to look over everything and make sure they are happy prior to delivery.


The builder’s temporary staircase was removed in under an hour and within half a day the new staircase was in and safe to walk up.

The days that followed were taken up by the fitting of the handrail and spindles and all the fiddly finishing touches – which can’t be rushed – as these really do make for a lovely, bespoke install.

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