
How is Summer nearly over? It’s not been the best Summer with the slightly dampened weather, but it looks like it’s ending on a high note with some days full of sun. Is it bad to be thinking about Autumn already? Don’t worry we aren’t jumping on Christmas just yet! We have some lovely Autumn trends for you, your homes and interiors. Gain some inspiration or simply just read ahead to see two trends regarding interiors this Autumn.

Modern Neutrals 

It’s a pretty much given that modern neutrals will always stay due to the amount that they can match with, so is back with our Autumn trends. A combination of different neutral elements can work really well together. We offer many different types of wood and oak seems to be a favourite among them due to being able to fit with a lot. Stripped timbers, focus on the neutral wood grain and simple colours and furniture are promised to become a trend through this Autumn. We have worked on some beautiful projects working with these elements. Staircases tend to be a large one due to being a fixture within the house and with modern neutrals always staying modern customers tend to lean more toward these types of woods and colours.

Black and dark woods

So, what do you think about painted black elements or extremely dark woods within the home? Personally, we love this trend and think that It can work very well in the right home. With the right surroundings, the dark and black aspects can contrast nicely against the lighter elements. Even black walls with lighter furniture can contrast nicely together. Do you fancy giving it a try? It definitely is a riskier trend to experiment with but when done nicely it can look absolutely beautiful! We worked on a wonderful ash stair with a walnut finish. The walnut is one of the darker finishes and with the glass actually worked so well within the home interior. Check it out here for some darker stair inspiration. 

Mixed up kitchens

Kitchens are always changing with new trends constantly being brought in. This more laid-back trend could be right up your street. Mixed up kitchens consist of not worrying too much about the different elements that fill your kitchen. Change the colours up a little and feel free to mix and match the units and colours. This trend helps create an eye-catching and different space within your home. Do you remember the beautiful kitchen interior we created that included the eye-catching yellow storage that contrasted so nicely against the darker interior? It really helped the kitchen stand out. Take a look here.

Do you have a project in mind? Or simply want to give some of these Autumn trends a go, contact us today as we would love to hear!

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